Versão em Inglês do Journal of the Brazilian College of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery – JBCOMS
Volume 9, Number 1, 2023 – ISSN 2358-2782
Membros do Colégio tem acesso a versão em Português desta revista.
Letter to the editor
A new suture technique for oral surgery
Ricardo Augusto Conci, Mateus Diego Pavelski, Geraldo Luiz Griza, Eleonor Álvaro Garbin Jr., Guilherme Genehr Fritscher, Claiton Heitz
Letter to the editor
Technology applied to Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Maurício Maurente de Souza Fernandes, Otacílio Luiz Chagas Júnior
Original article
Tomographic analysis of guided bone regeneration using Bone Heal® non-resorbable polypropylene membrane: a systematic review
Fabiana Carregosa Taves da Silva, Rogério Lima Romeiro, André Lopes Cimonare, Natan Luiz Martinelli
Case report
Dens in dente and facial cellulitis: case report
Letícia Moreschi, Bruna Brunetto, Alexandre Basualdo, Tobias Piton Fontana
Guided bone regeneration after enucleation of extensive cystic lesion in the maxilla: case report
Álvaro Farias Auad Queiroz, Gabriel Silva Andrade, Paulo Goberlânio de Barros Silva
Mandibular sporadic Burkitt’s lymphoma: Case report
Fabrísia Loise Cassiano Queiroz, Emanoel Zanatta, Isabella Romão Candido, Alexandre Meireles Borba
Hard palate cystadenoma: report of a rare case
Thamyryz Rafaela Almeida Simões, Alessandro Oliveira de Jesus, Vinicius Branco Elias Dib, Matheus Branco Elias Dib, Jamil Elias Dib