Versão em Inglês do Journal of the Brazilian College of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery – JBCOMS
Volume 9, Number 2, 2023 – ISSN 2358-2782
Membros do Colégio tem acesso a versão em Português desta revista.
Interview – Luciana Asprino and Renata Pittella
Original article – Profile of patients seeking treatment for third molar extraction at the dentistry course of the Federal University of Espírito Santo (Brazil)
Amy Brian Costa e Silva, Bruna Carolina Gonçalves de Oliveira, Marianna Coppo Scaramussa, Martha Alayde Alcantara Salim Venâncio, Rossiene Motta Bertollo
Original article – Evaluation of the analgesic effect of nicotine patch (7 mg) in mandibular third molar extraction: a triple-blind randomized clinical trial
Braz da Fonseca Neto, Ronnys Ruggery Gomes da Silva, Hyanne Nadine Brito Guimarães, Adriano Rocha Germano
Technical note – Use of the temporoparietal pericranium flap: technical note
Sylvio Luiz Costa De-Moraes, Raissa Dias Fares, Alexandre Maurity de Paula Afonso, Roberto Gomes dos Santos, Ricardo Pereira Mattos
Case report – Osteomyelitis as a complication of face trauma in a patient with systemic decompensation
Júlia Mendonça Soares, Karoline Von Ahn Pinto, Hedelson Odenir Iecher Borges, Glaykon Alex Vitti Stabile
Case report – Treatment of complex fracture of the middle and upper thirds of the face: a case report
Guilherme Pivatto Louzada, Guilherme Zanovelli Silva, Gines Alves de Sousa, Laura Maria Oliveira Ferreira, Ana Beatriz Goettnauer de Cerqueira
Case report – Saddle nose deformity correction using calvaria cantilever graft and titanium meshes
Caio Augusto Munuera Ueti Ferraz, Felipe Daniel Búrigo dos Santos, Murillo Chiarelli